
2021 – New Year Resolution – Our Lady’s Request to Offer Mass for Holy Souls

‘God wants the souls of all people on earth, irrespective of their religious beliefs, class, creed, colour or if they have no belief at all. There is no division in God’s world. We have made the divisions’

At the beginning of every year, on the first of January, we celebrate the Solemnity of Theotokos, Mary, The Mother of God.  Just over 2,000 years ago, God chose Mary, a faithful servant to be the one through whom He would come into the world, so He could be with us. His love for us and desire to be reconciled with us is immense, beyond words or expression that we could ever imagine.  After Jesus died, Our Lady continued to be instrumental in helping the apostles and the newly developing church of Christ to come back to God in a new way.

In 2021, lets start a new by helping God to be reconciled with his people. In the earlier years in Dads ministry, I remember asking him, why were ‘all these things’ happening to him? Why was he being directed to pray by Our Lady? What was it all for…it’s purpose?

‘God wants the souls of all people on earth, irrespective of their religious beliefs, class, creed, colour or if they have no belief at all. There is no division in God’s world. We have made the divisions’

…excerpt from ‘Please! Pray for us…we need your help – The Holy Souls in Purgatory.

It was then, that I realised Gods love for us. In referring to souls, Dad not only meant those of us who are still here on earth, but also those who have passed away. We know now from several Saints down through the centuries and from the visionaries of Medjugorje, that very few people go straight to heaven when they die. We live in a broken world that brings many challenges and the majority of souls will spend some time in purgatory in atonement until they are ready to be reconciled with God.  At the time of writing, 1.7 million people have died from covid-19 in 2020.  In hindsight, I can now see that like Esther in the old testament, the Lord blessed Dads with this ministry in preparation ‘for a time such as this (Esther 4:14)’. In 2021, lets start a new by helping God to be reconciled with his people, his forgotten souls in purgatory, so they can be brought to peace with him in heaven.

Our Lady requests that we celebrate the Holy Mass and the Stations of the Cross to help suffering souls along with other prayers. Mass is the most powerful form of prayer to bring Souls to God.

The bottom of the picture represents the souls seeking help through the power of the Mass as depicted by the priest. The crucifix represents Calvary and the Stations of the Cross.

In 2020, many people became familiar with as we moved online to attend mass. Today however, many are simply only doing that…attending mass to fulfil an obligation.  In 2021, I’m encouraging you to ‘actively offer up your mass’ to give it purpose.  Before the mass starts state that you are offering this mass up for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.  Just as Dads ministry had a purpose, give your mass a purpose too. Dad, like most of us, spent our lives attending mass out of habit, but missed the opportunity to ‘actively offer up the mass to God for a purpose’.

Attending Mass and Offering Mass
Why is there such difference? It’s like going to someone’s house, eating their food, and they give you a present that you don’t use. When we actively offer up the mass, we are engaging with the person who has invited us there, enjoying their food and using the present that they give us coming a way for the benefit of ourselves or others.  The hidden graces and blessings being poured out at Mass are being wasted. In 2021, let’s not waste any more opportunities, and avail of the hidden graces and blessings that are made available for benefit. As we start 2021 in another lockdown, we all have a little more time on our hands and I set a new year’s resolution challenge for you;

  • Actively offer up your weekly Mass with intent for purpose
  • Offer your weekly mass or a second mass specifically for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

Let us all play our part in helping 1.7 million souls be reunited with God. As vaccines are being rolled out to combat covid-19, let’s offer up the Mass as the vaccine to release our brothers and sisters from purgatory. Wishing each one who reads this peace and blessing for the new year.

In Jesus & Mary we trust…


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