‘God wants the souls of all people on earth, irrespective of their religious beliefs, class, creed, colour or if they have no belief at all.

There is no division in God’s world.

We have made the divisions’


Conversion Story – London 2002
First Spiritual Experiences – London 2002

Lent 2021 – Giving or Offering up?

Penance and Restitution? For me, crisps, coffee, wine and chocolate are the vices I usually give up during lent. Unfortunately for the first few days I find myself drinking more tea to account for the caffeine my body craves from my lack of coffee! It’s all very well giving up something for a few weeks...
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John Gillespie, Belfast.

During the course of his ministry, Larry met other people with similar gifts. John Gillespie was one of those people whom God also raised up to meet the needs of His people through healing and deliverance.

His bestselling book, ‘The Key to Powerful Prayer’, compiled for John by Eilish Carter, is an eye-opening and frank account of how now, more than ever, we need to rediscover the forgotten ways to activate Gods power to get answers to our prayers.

Prayer of Protection for Freedom from Curses & Evil

Sample Customised Prayer Before commencing any prayer of deliverance, state out loud the ‘specific reason’ for the prayer using the following phrase. “I say this prayer of protection to uproot, destroy, block, seal, bind, break and stop the effects of (name the problem e.g jealously) coming from (name the source..my neighbor Sean).” “I say this...
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